Term And Condition AIM 03
Subject: Compilation Participation Release Term And
1. Open to all extreme band with real Metal base of music interest.
2. Priority will be given to all Malaysian band.
3. No money involve to get in this project. It free.
a. Release format
a1. Release officially in professional Compact Disc and Cassette.
a2. Limited final production. Compact Disc 300 pcs and Cassette 100pcs.
a3. 100pcs of Compact Disc will be release under exclusive promotion/contest and remaining amount of product
will be sold to the public.
a4. Each band can submit atleast two(2) possible track for the evalution.
a5. Every single track must not exceed 6 minutes.
b. Condition
b1. Band must be a dedicate to extreme music.
b2. To those who's ready in/progression dealing contract with other label. Please get an authority
from your current label to release a possible track for Asylum Industries Music. Please provide AIM any official letter from
your label telling that we are not violency the copyright of any contribution track.
b3. Asylum Industries Music have a right to do any possible action on the contribution track release
(for master etc purposes).
b4. Each interested band must enclosed their most current biography,contact information,band picture
and band logo in cd-r format.
b5. Please store the mastercopy of any possible track in Compact Disc format.Others format will not been
b6. Each participated band will be given 03 pcs of the final product in conjuction to meet the requirement
as a return given for the participation.
c. Promotional
c1. Promotion will be official run by Blodcriminal Promotion Services.
c2. Blodcriminal Promotion Services have a right to distributed the final product to any interested parties
in term to expand the promotional campaign for the product.
d. Copyright
d1. Participate band will keep remain their cotribution track in this release.
d2. Asylum Industries Music the only label have the right towards the final product.
d3. Any re-copy,unauthories distribution,re-manufacture unacceptable.